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Wednesday, February 15th
6:30 PM

The United Nations and the Future of Europe

Jan Fischer, United Nations

Fort Howard Theater, St. Norbert College

6:30 PM

Wednesday, March 1st
6:30 PM

Trade and Politics

Arthur Cyr, Carthage College

6:30 PM

Wednesday, March 8th
6:30 PM

Prospects for Afghanistan and Pakistan

Shah Mahmoud Hanifi, James Madison University

Fort Howard Theater, St. Norbert College

6:30 PM

Wednesday, March 29th
6:30 PM

Preparing for a Stormy 2017 in the South China Sea

Gregory Polling, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Fort Howard Theater, St. Norbert College

6:30 PM

Wednesday, April 19th
6:30 PM

Saudi Arabia in Transition

Mehmet Gurses, Florida Atlantic University

Fort Howard Theater, St. Norbert College

6:30 PM