"Orts 15" by The George MacDonald Society

First Paragraph

1. Annual General Meeting. A dozen people attended the AGM of the Society, held at 58a Westbourne Park Villas, London, on Friday November 18th. The evening fell into two parts, with business first followed by Rachel Johnson’s talk on the MacDonald family and Pilgrim’s Progress. The business section resolved to have a joint meeting with the Lewis Carroll Society in the coming year, and noted that North Wind had cost slightly less than last year to produce. The treasurer told the meeting that the Society now had £177.78 in its account. Tony Richardson, the architect, gave an update on the long-standing project to rearrange the MacDonald-Troup plot at Drumblade Cemetery near Huntly. He mentioned that the eighteenth century stone had been washed with vinegar and acid so that its inscription was now clearer, but that the stones had not yet been moved as he had asked. Probably a mason from Aberdeen would have to be asked to complete the job. The whole operation plus recutting might, however, cost as much as £1000. It was hoped, too, to fix a memorial plaque to the cemetery wall mentioning George and Louisa MacDonald. In all, though, some progress had been made.
