"Orts 22" by The George MacDonald Society

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1. The Library. The George MacDonald Library at King’s College has moved. It is still housed with the Charles Williams collection in the Head Librarian’s office, but that has moved and is now the last room (overlooking the river) on the first floor on the left side of the main courtyard. Of MacDonald’s works we lack Poems (1857), The Portent, Rampolli, The Gifts of the Christ Child and Other Tales, A Cabinet of Gems, Heather and Snow, the annotated Hamlet and A Threefold Cord. Unfortunately most of these were restricted to one edition and so are quite rare. Of the major works of biography and criticism we have so far no copies of Colin Manlove’s Modern Fantasy and The Impulse of Fantasy Literature. Stephen Prickett’s Romanticism and Religion and Victorian Fantasy, Humphrey Carpenter’s Secret Gardens, Greville MacDonald’s Reminiscences of a Specialist and Michael Phillips’ George MacDonald.
