"Orts 24" by The George MacDonald Society

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1. New Editor Required! Pressure of work has forced our editor Kathy Triggs to resign. She edited North Wind from its inception until a few years ago and then switched to the editorship of Orts. It was her painstaking work editing North Wind in the early years of the Society which, more than anything else, established the Society’s position in literary circles. (See note “Royal Recognition” below.) Kathy hopes to continue to contribute to North Wind and has, indeed, produced an article for the current number. ** Could YOU take over the editorship of Orts for us? ** There are at present three issues a year. Kathy would be happy to tell you what is involved, her phone number is 0274 563936. It would be helpful to have an editor who could attend most of the Council Meetings in London (some 9 a year, usually Friday evenings but flexible). This, however, is not absolutely essential. Please contact the acting secretary if you can help.
