Digital Commons @ St. Norbert College
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Digital Commons @ St. Norbert College is a cross-college initiative that strives to cultivate curiosity and preserve records of intellectual, spiritual, and personal development for both the campus and global communities. The commons captures, curates and preserves the intellectually rigorous spirit of the Catholic, Norbertine and liberal arts traditions that inspire the only Norbertine institution of higher education in the world.
It showcases the intellectual excellence of the college by curating and sharing content that includes faculty and student research; open education resources; official campus documents; and archival material that draws both from the institution's history and its Norbertine heritage. The commons will provide a platform in which the scholarly and creative output of the college is more readily available and accessible for the greater and enduring good.
Paper of the Day
Chamber Music Concert (2015) St. Norbert College Music Department
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