June 2009
Download June 2009 Landing Page (117 KB)
Download The De Pere home of the Norbertine order is celebrating five decades (67 KB)
Download Packers and St. Norbert College join forces for national sport conference (70 KB)
Download A pair of unique new academic partnerships offer further opportunity (69 KB)
Download Second national Titel for half-miler caps strong spring athletics season (73 KB)
In this issue:
- The De Pere home of the Norbertine order is celebrating five decades
- Packers and St. Norbert College join forces for national sport conference
- A pair of unique new academic partnerships offer further opportunity
- Second national title for half-miler caps strong spring athletics season
- Happy feet surprise at campus picnic
Publication Date
Abbey, Norbertine, anniversary, Packers, sport conference, engineering, Michigan Tech, academic, national title, Ashley Graybill, athletics, spring, campus picnic, dance
Recommended Citation
St. Norbert College, "June 2009" (2009). @St. Norbert E-newsletter Archives. 59.