July 2010
Download July 2010 Landing Page (113 KB)
Download Alumni couples say "I do" all over again (101 KB)
Download Green Knight soccer alums enjoy a World Cup connection (69 KB)
Download Hands-on conference experience takes intern behind the scenes (70 KB)
Download International Student Represents Namibia in the Miss Africa USA Pageant (69 KB)
In this issue:
- Alumni couples say "I do" all over again
- Green Knight soccer alums enjoy a World Cup connection
- Hands-on conference experience takes intern behind the scenes
- Student represents Namibia in this month's Miss Africa USA pageant
Publication Date
The Wedding Party, Bridget Krage O'Connor, '93, Enrollment Management and Communications, Alumni, Old St. Joe's, Green Knight, soccer, World Cup, Ben Vanden Avond, '09, Kevin Jones, '10, Jay DeMerit, England, Marci VanDrese, '11, Sport and Society conference, Office of Communications, Namibia, Miss Africa, USA, pageant, Twamanguluka Nambili, '13, HIV, AIDS
Recommended Citation
St. Norbert College, "July 2010" (2010). @St. Norbert E-newsletter Archives. 72.