Supporting Shy Preschool Children in Joining Social Play

Supporting Shy Preschool Children in Joining Social Play


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Executive functions (EF), a set of cognitive processes necessary for goal-oriented behavior, are critical for children’s school outcomes and often lacking when children arrive in elementary school. One of the most promising interventions to address this gap is Tools of the Mind (ToM), a Vygotskyan approach to early childhood education with a strong emphasis on sociodramatic play. One challenge in implementing this kind of play is supporting children in joining play with their peers. In this paper we present a content analysis of an eight-week evaluation comparing implementing ToM-style play with and without technology supports. We found that one specific aspect of the technology supports, a voice agent, played a crucial role in integrating shy children into sociodramatic play.

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children, preschool, play, executive functions


This article is open access through the Interaction Design and Children Conference and their publisher: Association for Computing Machinery in New York, NY.


Supporting Shy Preschool Children in Joining Social Play
