Dr. Garber has created supplementary videos to both her Organic Chemistry (CHEM 220) and Organic Chemistry Intermediate (CHEM 222) classes. Broken down into topics and chapters, these videos are meant to clarify and illustrate key concepts in a concise and relaxed matter.
CHEM 220, Chapter 13: 13C NMR, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 13: Overview of NMR Spectroscopy, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 3: Cycloalkane Structure and Stability, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 3: Reactions of Alkalines, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 3: Substituted Cyclohexanes, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 4: Selectivity in Free-Radical Halogenation, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 5: Chirality, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 5: Enantiomers, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 5: Fischer Projections, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 5: Meso Compounds, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 5: Resolution of Enantiomers, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 5: R/S System, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 5: Special Cases of Chirality and Achirality, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Allylic Bromination, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Carbocation Rearrangements, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Good Leaving Groups, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Nucleophilicity, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Predicting E1 vs E2, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Predicting SN1 vs. SN2, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Solvents for Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Stereochemistry of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Stereospecificity of the E2 Mechanism, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Substitution and Elimination Reactions, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: Substitution and Elimination Reactions, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: The E1 Reaction, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: The E2 Reaction, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: The SN1 Reaction, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 6: The SN2 Reaction, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 7: Dehydration of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Acid-catalyzed Epoxide Opening, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Acid-catalyzed Hydration, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Addition of Carbenes, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Addition of Halogens, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Addition of HX, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Alkoxymercuration-demercuration, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Catalytic Hydrogenation, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Epoxidation, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Formation of Halohydrins, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Hydroboration, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Oxymercuration-demercuration, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Ozonolysis, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Permanganate Cleavage, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 8: Reactions of Alkenes: Syn Dihydroxylation, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 9: Alkynes: Structure and Acidity, Katie Garber
CHEM 220, Chapter 9: Synthesis of Alkynes: Alkylation of Acetylide Ions, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Addition of Organometallic Reagents to Acids & Derivatives, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Addition of Organometallic Reagents to Epoxides, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Addition of Organometallic Reagents to Ketones & Aldehydes, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbonyls, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Lithium Aluminum Hydride Reduction of Carbonyls, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Organometallic Reagents, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Sodium Borohydride Reduction of Carbonyls, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 10: Structure and Acidity of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Alcohols as Nucleophiles and Electrophiles, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Bleach Oxidation of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Chromic Acid Oxidation of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Dehydration Reactions of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Pinacol Rearrangement, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Pyridinium Chlorochromate Oxidation of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Reaction of Alcohols with HBr, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Reaction of Alcohols with HCl, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Reaction of Alcohols with Phosphorus Halides, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Reaction of Alcohols with Thionyl Chloride, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Reactions of Alcohols: Fischer Esterification, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Reduction of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 11: Swern Oxidation of Alcohols, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 14: Base-Catalyzed Epoxide Opening, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 14: Reactions of Ethers: Cleavage with HX, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 14: Silyl Ethers, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 14: Synthesis of Epoxides: Base-promoted Cyclization of Halohydrins, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 14: Thioethers, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 16: Aromaticity, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: Amination of Benzene, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: EAS: Bromination, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: EAS: Chlorination, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: EAS: Iodination, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: EAS: Nitration, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: EAS: Sulfonation, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: Friedel-Crafts Acylation, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 17: Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Acetal Formation, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Clemmensen Reduction, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Cyanohydrins, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Formation of Imines, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Hydration of Ketones and Aldehydes, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Oxidation of Aldehydes, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Reactions of Ketones and Aldehydes, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Selective Reduction of Aldehydes, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Synthesis of Ketones and Aldehydes Through Reduction, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Wittig Reaction, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 18: Wolff-Kishner Reduction, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 19: Reactions of Amines: Synthesis of Amides, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 19: Synthesis of Amines by Reductive Amination, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 19: Synthesis of Amines: Direct Alkylation, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 19: Synthesis of Amines: Gabriel Amine Synthesis, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 19: Synthesis of Amines: Reduction of Azides, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 19: Synthesis of Amines: Reduction of Nitriles, Katie Garber
CHEM 222, Chapter 20: Reactions of Carboxylic Acids: Esterification Using Diazomethane, Katie Garber