Submissions from 2015
Bridget Burke Ravizza, associate professor of theology and religious studies, Bridget Burke Ravizza
Todd Danen, director of alumni & parent relations, Todd Danen
Brad Ellis, assistant professor of modern languages and literatures, Brad Ellis
Laura Neary, director of the writing center and part-time assistant professor of English, Laura Neary
Submissions from 2014
Bola Delano-Oriaran, assistant professor of education, Bola Delano-Oriaran
Howard Ebert, associate professor of religious studies and director of MTS and MLS, Howard Ebert
Tim Flood, professor of geology, Tim Flood
Fr. Jay Fostner, O.Praem., vice president of student affairs, Jay Fostner
Rosemary Sands, director of study abroad office, Rosemary Sands
Submissions from 2013
Chris Betcher, assistant director of regional communities – NE Wisconsin, Chris Betcher
Tim Coghlin, head coach of men's hockey, Tim Coghlin
"Chef Dan" Froelich, dining services, Dan Froelich
Julie Massey, senior director for mission & ministry, Julie Massey
Michael Rosewall, associate professor of music, Michael Rosewall
Submissions from 2012
Debra Faase, director of education field experience, Debra Faase
Corday Goddard, associate dean of student development, Corday Goddard
Sandy Odorzynski, professor of economics, Sandy Odorzynski
Joy Pahl, assistant professor of business administration, Joy Pahl
Marcie Paul, professor of modern languages and literatures and director of the honors program, Marcie Paul
Gary Umhoefer, director of human resources, Gary Umhoefer
Paul Wadell, professor of religious studies, Paul Wadell
Submissions from 2011
John Frohliger, associate professor of mathematics, John Frohliger
Sarah Griffiths, director of international student and scholar services, Sarah Griffiths
Tom Kunkel, president of St. Norbert College, Tom Kunkel