Aims & Scope | St. Norbert Times | English | St. Norbert College

St. Norbert Times

Aims & Scope

The St. Norbert Times strives to be an informative student-run newspaper that acts as a balanced and accurate source of news about St. Norbert College, as well as the world around it. In the spirit of the Norbertine tradition and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Times will encourage and defend the principles of free inquiry, vigorous debate and the pursuit of truth.

In the spirit of the Norbertine tradition, we embrace the following credo:

“Almighty Father, the scriptures inform us that ‘THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!’ Free from compromising principles Free from being self-serving Free from suspicion Free from prejudice Free from intolerance Free from fear of retaliation Free to be courageous and bold Free to be honest and forthright.”

“Bless those who speak, promote and value the truth. Bless those who have made and continue to make the St. Norbert Times a vehicle for honesty, truthful and courageous information, who make it a beacon for the enlightened progress of St. Norbert College, protecting it from half-truths and misinformation. Help the staff know that they are called and chosen to be that voice crying in the wilderness, especially for the students whom they enlighten and inform, helping them to take up the banner of truth courageously and openly for their welfare and to help St. Norbert College be the shining beacon it is called and destined to be.”