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Testimonies from a Great Past: Material Traces of Saint Michael's Abbey Antwerp
Workgroup on Norbertine History in the Low Countries: Volume 24 (2014)
The Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis publications are the proceedings from the annual gathering of those interested in the rich history of the Premonstratensian Order in the Low Countries (Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands). Each year a different aspect of this rich and multi-faceted history is explored.
Publication Date
Averbode, Belgium
Norbertine, Netherlands, abbey, saint, Michael, Antwerp, testimonies, material, great, Premonstratensian
Recommended Citation
Workgroup on Norbertine History in the Low Countries, "Getuigenissen van een groots verleden: Materiële sporen van de Antwerpse Sint-Michielsabdij" (2014). Workgroup on Norbertine History in the Low Countries. Proceedings of their meetings.. 24.
![Getuigenissen van een groots verleden: Materiële sporen van de Antwerpse Sint-Michielsabdij](
This work is written entirely in Dutch.