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Research partnerships open up new fields of possibility
It can start with a conversation in a hallway and lead to the furthest limits of the earth. Work undertaken jointly invites new perspectives, wider exploration and deeper understanding. In this issue, we explore scholarly partnerships that are based on mutual respect, enthusiasm and appreciation for learning.
On the cover: This January saw Tim Flood (Geology), Nicole Bader ’11 and Kathy Licht ’92 undergo rigorous survival training on the way to their five-person research campsite in the heart of Antarctica. Flood took our cover photo while the group was learning how to safely locate and traverse the crevasses that dissect the desolate, wind-swept continent.
Publication Date
Spring 2011
Welcome Center, Union building, Admissions, digital conference, humanities conference, THATCamp LAC, collaboration, paleontology, Deborah Anderson, geology, Tim Flood, Kathy Licht, Nicole Bader, Antarctica, ice, climate change, marriage, higher education, Carol Bruess, Brian Bruess, twins, quadruplets, Class of 2014, anthropological, Fulbright fellow, HIV, Casey Golomski, ESL, Trnava, Slovakia, sisters, Paul Mallers, basketball
Recommended Citation
St. Norbert College, "Spring 2011: Together on the Journey" (2011). St. Norbert College Magazine 2007-2012. 6.

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