"Spring 2010: Let Us Love One Another" by St. Norbert College



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Love, extended through community, makes us family

The words of love and family knit together in our cover illustration are never far from the surface in conversations about the St. Norbert experience, where current students and alumni alike frame their time on campus in terms of warm and sustained relationship. The enduring and sometimes complex affections that extend through many different kinds of family experience are our focus in this issue.

On the cover: St. Norbert College was founded by the Rev. Bernard Pennings, O.Praem., who was to become abbot and whose motto, “Let us love one another” (1 John 4:7), is a call to the college community that rings down the ages.

Publication Date

Spring 2010


Tom Faase, sociology, romances, Kim Sullivan, Drew Van Fossen, sponsorship, Kenya, Michelle Tichy, parenting, Ken Zahorski, poetry, adoption, family, peace, justice, interdisciplinary, Melanie Radzicki McManus, Santiago de Compostela, basketball, national tournament, NCAA Division III, championships


Media Web Extras:

  • Too 'Old School' for our own good? - President Tom Kunkel challenges colleges and universities to embrace new ways of delivering higher education.
  • A new face in the cafe - Steve Pyne (Dining Services), who has Down syndrome, was profiled in this recent article in the student newspaper, the St. Norbert Times.
  • La Perichole - St. Norbert College Magazine dropped in on a rehearsal for this three-act operetta production, to be staged on campus.
  • More than a photo - A gallery of images from a trip that connected a child in Kenya with his sponsors in the United States.
  • A father's love - Jeff Kratz ’92 offers a unique perspective on a father’s love.
  • Words from life - The poetry of Ken Zahorski (English, Emeritus) deals with fathers and sons, phases of life and familiar figures remembered across the years.
  • World view - Gratzia Villarroel (Political Science) speaks with Dean Michael Marsden on international issues and educational opportunities.
  • Man of property - Joe Jones ’12 sits down with Mike Dauplaise ’84 to discuss an education in entrepreneurism and the launch of Jones’ third business. He is 21 years old.
  • Dick Bennett on Gary Grzesk - The basketball legend remembers his years presiding over the storied defensive career of Grzesk, current coach to the Green Knight men.

Spring 2010: Let Us Love One Another
